516 research outputs found

    KEPEMIMPINAN KEPALA SMA NEGERI DI WILAYAH BIREUEN ACEH UTARA : Studi Analitis Tentang Perilaku Kepemimpinan Dalam Pcngelolaan Sekolah

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    Penelitian ini mengungkapkan salah satu aspek penting dalam administrasi pendidikan, yaitu masalah kepemim pinan kepala sekolah di SMA Negeri. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan bertitik tolak dari tema sentral masalah yang menyatakan bahwa perilaku kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam pengelolaan sekolah merupakan bagian yang monentukan- Pelaksanaan tugas sekolah, dan pada akhirnya mengarah pada tingkat efektivitas pengelolaan sekolah. Penelitian ini berupaya menjawab masalah (a) per sepsi kepala sekolah terhadap peranannya sebagai pemimpin pendidikan dalam pengelolaan sekolah, (b) pendekatan kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam pengelolaan sekolah, (c) hubungan kerja sama kepala sekolah dengan anggota intern sekolah, dan (d) faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam pengelolaan sekolah. Metode yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan lokasi penelitian pada SMA Negeri di Wilayah Bireuen, Aceh Utara. Subyek penelitian yang dijadikan nara sumber adalah pihak-pihak yang berkaitan dengan aktivitas kepemimpinan kepala sekolah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan telaah bahan dokumentasi yang berkaitan dengan masalah kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam pengelo laan sekolah. Alat pengumpulan data adalah peneliti sendiri (human instrument) dengan menggunakan alat bantu seperti buku catatan, tape recorder, dan kamera. Data yang terkumpul itu dianalisis dengan mengikuti prosedur (a) reduksi data, (b) display data, dan (c) pengambilan kesim pulan dan verifikasi. Dari analisis tersebut diketahui bahwa persepsi kepala sekolah terhadap tugasnya sebagai pemimpin pendi dikan dalam pengelolaan sekolah dirasakan telah cukup dipahami, namun dalam pelaksanaannya dirasakan cukup berat. Persepsi tersebut tergambar dalam pernyataan kepala sekolah tentang pentingnya meningkatkan disiplin, memperbaiki dan memelihara fisik sekolah, meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan, memberikan keteladanan, mendorong kreajbivitas, mengatasi atau memecahkan masalah, memperkenalkan berbagai ide, dan mengadakan pendekatan pribadi. Perwujudan persep si itu diperoleh melalui mempelajari edaran-edaran/ peraturan- peraturan, membaca buku-buku, pengalaman, pengarahan dari atasan, dan berdiskusi bersama kolega melalui KKKS. Pendekatan kepemimpinan yang digunakan kepala sekolah dalam pengelolaan sekolah, yaitu bervariasi. Ada kepala sekolah yang berorientasi pada perilaku tugas dan hubung an, dan ada juga kepala sekolah yang hanya berorientasi pada perilaku tugas. Pendekatan kepemimpinan kepala seko lah dalam pengelolaan pengajaran, kesiswaan, kepegawaian, sarana prasarana, dan hubungan sekolah dengan masyarakat belum sepenuhnya dilakukan sebagaimana mestinya. Dalam hal ini dibutuhkan kemampuan dan keterampilan kepala sekolah dalam mengembangkan kegiatan pada pengelolaan tersebut. Bentuk hubungan kerja sama yang dijalin kepala seko lah dengan anggota intern sekolah bervariasi. Ada kepala yang melakukan hubungan kerja sama dalam suasana intim dengan tidak menghilangkan hubungan kerja sama formal, dan ada juga kepala sekolah yang hanya menampakkan hubungan impersonal dengan bawahan secara formal. Faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku kepemimpinan ke pala sekolah dalam pengelolaan sekolah meliputi faktor penghambat dan faktor penunjang. Faktor penghambat terdiri dari faktor intern (pendidikan dan latihan), faktor ekstern (lingkungan sosial budaya). Adapun faktor penunjang meliputi kepribadian, pengalaman, suasana kerja yang kondusif, dan mentalitas kerja bawahan. Di dalam penelitian ini ditemukan pula bahwa peri laku kepemimpinan kepala sekolah itu masih dominan men Pakkan ciri keteladanan sebagai hal yang penting untuk memperoleh pengakuan atau kepatuhan para bawahan. Keadaan seperti itu diduga ada kaitannya dengan budaya yang berkembang dalam masyarakat Aceh yaitu patuh kepada pemimpin. Berdasarkan hal-hal di atas, untuk perilaku kepemim pinan kepala sekolah dalam pengelolaan sekolah, disarankan supaya kepala sekolah melakukan berbagai kegiatan yang da- Pat meningkatkan kemampuan mengelola sekolah, mengikuti Penataran, mengembangkan kegiatan dari setiap pendekatan yang dilakukan, memberikan motivasi dalam bentuk imbalan bagi bawahan yang dapat menyelesaikan tugas dengan baik, mengembangkan perilaku inisiatif dan kreatif, mengembang kan hubungan kerja sama yang multi arah, menerapkan nilai-nilai kebersamaan dan saling menghormati, mengembangkan kegiatan dengan orang tua siswa (BP3), dan teman sejawat. Selain itu diperlukan juga persyaratan yang menduduki jabatan kepala sekolah yang memiliki :(a) sistem nilai Pancasila dan budaya profesional, (b) kemampuan teknis, (c) pengetahuan tentang pengelolaan sekolah menengah, (d) oiri-ciri kepribadian yang unggul, dan (e) memenuhi per syaratan administratif yang berlaku

    Model Stratejik Peningkatan Kinerja Guru

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    A Strategic Model for Promoting the Performance of State Senior High School Teachers. The objective of this study was to reveal: (1) teachers' improved performance at Public Senior High Schools in Aceh Besar district, (2) factors supporting the improvement of teachers' performance at Public Senior High Schools in Aceh Besar district, (3) design of strategic model for the improvement of teachers' performance at Public Senior High Schools in Aceh Besar district. The data were collected through observa­tion, interview, and documentation. The subjects of study were selected from two senior high schools. The research findings indicate that: (1) the improvement of teachers' performance is related to policy and planning, which was conducted through training, workshops, routine discussions, internship programs, and continuing study, (2) the supporting factors are determined by intellectual competency, motivation, and teachers' positive perception towards the main tasks and its function, and (3) the strategic model of teachers' performance is related to the context of teachers' performance standardization and improvement system. Model Stratejik Peningkatan Kinerja Guru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan (1) gambaran empirik peningkatan kinerja guru SMAN Kabupaten Aceh Besar, (2) faktor-faktor penunjang peningkatan kinerja guru SMAN Kabupaten Aceh Besar , (3) rancangan model stratejik peningkatan kinerja guru SMA Negeri di Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan inquiry qualitative-interactive, dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian ditentukan secara purposif. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa: (1) gambaran emperik peningkatan kinerja guru mengacu pada kebijakan, perencanaan, yang dilaksanakan melalui kegiatan penataran, workshop MGMP, pertemuan rutin, program sandaran, dan studi lanjut, (2) Faktor-faktor penunjang kinerja guru turut ditentukan oleh: kemampuan intelektual, motivasi, dan persepsi guru yang positif terhadap tugas pokok dan fungsinya, (3) model stratejik peningkatan kinerja guru tidak lepas dari konteks standarisasi kinerja guru dan sistem pengembangan karier keguruan sebagai PNS baik secara individu maupun kelompok dalam posisi jabatan yang menjadi tanggungjawabnya

    Pelaksanaan Supervisi Pendidikan Oleh Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Profesional Guru Bimbingan Konseling Di SMP Negeri 8 Banda Aceh

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    : Education supervision constitutes efforts made by school principals on teachers, counsellors, and other educational staff at school in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning. The purpose of this study was to find out 1) the process of supervision planning development of the school principal to improve the professionalism of school counsellors, 2) the implementation of education supervision program by the school principal to improve the professionalism of school counsellors, 3) the follow up by the school principal in the implementation of education supervision to improve the professionalism of school counsellors. This is a descriptive study using qualitative approach. Data were collected through observation, interviews and documentation. The subjects of the research were the school principal, the vice principals, and the school counsellors. The results of the research show that 1) supervision program for teachers was developed at the beginning of the semester involving vice principals, school counsellors, and other subject teachers. 2) The implementation of the supervision followed the plan that had been developed. The supervision techniques include teachers' meeting, classroom observation, and one-on-one conversation. There was observation guide during classroom observation, however, it was not fully used because sometimes during the supervision school counsellors were not in classrooms for health reason, or on other school related agenda. 3) The follow up of supervision was done by giving feedback to the observed school counsellors through one-on-one conversation with the focus of a better activity implementation

    Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Supervisi Akademik Oleh Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru Di Smk Negeri 1 Meulaboh.

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    : Academic supervision applied the principal of course very effective, because it can provide support, guidance and coaching to teachers to enable them to work better in guiding learners and be able to improve its performance in improving learning in schools. The research objective was to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of academic supervision by principals in improving teacher performance, through: (1) academic supervision program; (2) The academic supervision and (3) evaluation of the implementation of academic supervision. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data was collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. Subjects were principals, supervisors and teachers at SMK Negeri 1 Meulaboh. The research found that:(1) The academic supervision principals compiled refer to the identification of the problems faced by teachers based on the results of monitoring the previous year as the assessment, coaching and helping the difficulties teachers, and SWOT analysis, then poured into a program Plan Supervisory Academic (PSA) according to the needs of teachers; (2) The implementation of academic supervision by school principals is done in three stages: a preliminary survey prior to supervise academic, classroom visits to determine the course of learning, and reviewing the results of the class visits and provide appropriate solutions in overcoming problems that dihdapi teacher; and (3) exercising their evaluation of academic supervision by the principal, includes evaluation of the job description and evaluation of documentary evidence, by means of direct view of the evidence that the task has been undertaken by teachers and then provide input if there are errors or deficiencies. Expected principals to be able to direct and supervise the performance of teachers, especially through the program, implementation and evaluation of effective supervision and efficiency, so that student performance can be improved

    Leadership Style of School Principals in Improving Teacher Professional Competence in Kuta Alam Sub-District, Banda Aceh

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    Abstract: The purpose of the study was to investigate the leadership style of school principals in improving teacher professional competencies. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data collection is done through interviews, observation, and documentation studies. The research subjects were principals, vice principals, teachers and supervisors in elementary schools in Gugus Melati, Kuta Alam Subdistrict, Banda Aceh City. The results of the study were found: (1) Principal Leadership Style in improving elementary teacher professional competencies, namely in a participatory (participating) style, the principal also implements an instructional style in improving teacher discipline, and applies a consultative style (selling) in increasing teacher responsibilities; (2) The Role of Principal Leadership in improving teacher professional competencies, namely by opening discussion forums at every opportunity to find solutions, involving teachers in training; and (3) Obstacles to the leadership of school principals in improving teacher professional competence, still lack of teacher awareness in improving their abilities, teachers lacking mastery of IT, not yet active part of some teachers in KKG activities, and lack of facilities and infrastructure that can support effective learning.Keywords: principal leadership style, teachers’ professional competence, Banda AcehAbstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan kompetensi profesional guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Subyek penelitian adalah kepala sekolah, wakil kepala sekolah, guru dan pengawas di Sekolah Dasar di Gugus Melati Kecamatan Kuta Alam Kota Banda Aceh. Hasil penelitian ditemukan: (1) Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam meningkatkan kompetensi profesional guru SD yaitu dengan gaya partisipatif (berpartisipasi), kepala sekolah juga menerapkan gaya instruksional dalammeningkatkan kedisiplinan guru, dan menerapkan gaya konsultatif (jualan). dalam meningkatkan tanggung jawab guru; (2) Peran Pimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam meningkatkan kompetensi profesional guru yaitu dengan membuka forum diskusi pada setiap kesempatan untuk mencari solusi, melibatkan guru dalam pelatihan; dan (3) Hambatan kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan kompetensi profesional guru, masih kurangnya kesadaran guru dalam meningkatkan kemampuannya, guru kurang menguasai IT, belum aktifnya sebagian guru dalam kegiatan KKG, dan kurangnyasarana dan prasarana yang dapat mendukung pembelajaran yang efektif.Kata kunci: gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah, kompetensi profesional guru, Banda Aceh DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v11.i2.20212

    Study on the Major Problems that Causes Carcass and Organs Condemnation and Associated Financial Losses at Elfore Export Abattoir, Bishoftu, Ethiopia

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    The study was conducted from December 2014 to April 2015 in Elfore export abattoir at Bishoftu using cross sectional study method. The aim of this study was to identify and determine the major problems that cause carcass and organs condemnation and to estimate the magnitude of the direct losses attributed to the condemned carcass and organs from Ovine and Caprine slaughtered in the abattoir. Standard ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection procedures were followed throughout the study. Ante-mortem inspection was carried out on arrival and in the lairage and abnormalities encountered were recorded, followed by postmortem examination through their identification number to detect gross abnormalities and aesthetic reasons that rendered each organ to be rejected from local and international market. During the study a total of 256 Ovine’s and 256 Caprine’s Carcass and Organs were examined. The study revealed that in both species 213 (41.6%) livers, 96 (18.75%) lungs, 56 (10.93%) heart, 59 (11.52%) kidney and34 (6.64%) carcass were rejected due to various causes. Stelisia hepatica 68 (13.28%), Emphysema 16(3.12%), pericarditis 16(3.12%), nephritis 13 (2.53%) and traumatic injury 18 (3.51%), were found to be the major causes responsible for rejection of respective organs and carcass respectively. Liver condemnation due to parasites such as Stilesia hepatica, hydatidosis and Cysticercus tenuicollis contributed to 68(13.28%), 57 (11.13%) and 54(10.54%) respectively of the total condemned liver of Shoat. However, there is no statistically significance difference (p>0.05) for all causes of liver condemnation between young and adult as well as between sheep and goats. The annual loss due to the rejection of carcass and organs from the Shoats’ slaughtered in the export abattoir is estimated at approximately 612,054.3USD. In conclusions results of the present study justify immediate need of prevention of various pathogens that causes organ and carcass condemnation and pathological abnormalities through development of animal health delivery, enforcement of slaughter policy, education on animal welfare/humane slaughter, and training of slaughterhouse personnel on standard slaughter operations. Keywords: Elfore,Shoat,Ante-Mortem Inspection,Post-mortem Inspection,Organ, Carcass, Condemnation, Annual Los

    Implementasi Manajemen Pembelajaran Al-qur\u27an Di Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Nurul Ishlah Banda Aceh

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    : The effective and efficient Qur\u27an learning management is a supporting factor to achieve the goal of learning the Qur\u27an in school in order to produce Qur\u27anic generation. The purpose of this study was to find out the planning, implementation, evaluation, and obstacles in learning the Qur\u27an in Nurul Ishlah Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT Nurul Ishlah) of Banda Aceh.This study used descriptive method with qualitative approach. The techniques of data collection were interview, observation, and documentation. The subjects of this study were principal and Qur\u27an teachers in SDIT Nurul Ishlah.The results of the study were: (1) The planning was formulated by teachers based on the curriculum set by the school, but some teachers were not able to plan effectively in the learning. (2) The implementation of learning the Qur\u27an applied by SDIT Nurul Ishlah was in accordance with activities planned, the teachers gave motivation to the students by using various methods and learning media starting from beginning activity with praying and revising memorizationof the Qur\u27an classically. In main activity, the students performed their memorization to the teachers individually, then the students revised their memorization and learned the memorization of surah individually, and in final activity, the teachers gave motivation to the students to revise their memorization at home by showing motivation videos of children who love Qur\u27an. However, some students could not finish the tasks given by the teachers. (3) The evaluation was carried out by written exam and practice exam of reading and memorizing the Qur\u27an by assessing the quality of reciting, pronunciation, tajweed, and fluency, but some students could not perform their memorization fluently. (4) The obstacle faced by the teachers was the lack of motivation and interest of students to revise their memorization that made the learning quality was not improved

    Manajemen Pembiayaan Bantuan Operasional Sekolah Pada SMP Negeri 4 Birem Bayeun Di Kabupaten Aceh Timur.

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    : the competence of the supervision of the head of the school is among the factors that influenced the increase in the professionalism of teachers. This research aims to describe: (1) the competence of the head of school in drawing up the programme of academic supervision to enhance the professionalism of teachers, (2) the principal kompetesi in implementing the program for academic supervision to enhance the professionalism of teachers, and (3) the competence of the head of school in following up on the results of academic supervision to enhance the professionalism of teachers. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach method. Data collection techniques used through observation, interviews, and documentation study. The subject of research is the principal, vice principal, teachers, and school superintendent. The results showed that: (1) the head of the SMA Negeri I Kuala Batee Southwest Aceh District have demonstrated a good supervision of competence, in particular in drawing up a program of academic supervision against the teacher. It can be seen from the supervision of the program has been compiled with set goals, objectives and implementation procedures of supervision, but less cooperation with the school superintendent. (2) the head of the SMA Negeri I Kuala Batee Southwest Aceh District have demonstrated a good supervision of competence, in particular in implementing the programme of academic supervision. It can be seen from the application of the models, approaches, and techniques of supervision that are run, but in the application of the techniques of observation has not been fitted with observation guidelines and (3) the competence of the supervision of the head of the SMA Negeri I Kuala Batee Southwest Aceh district in particular in follow-up on the results of supervision is still lacking. This can be from the follow-up results of supervision is performed by evaluating and providing feedback through individual talks with teachers who are disupervisi, but the principal did not devise an action plan next supervision

    Sale Forecasting of Merck Pharma Company using ARMA Model

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    This study aims to develop a stochastic framework of model to forecast future sales for pharmaceutical industry. In this regard, the study focuses on Merck Pharmaceutical monthly sales data. This study examines the Sale forecasting models. The study includes monthly data published in the annual reports of the company from Jan. 2008 to Dec. 2012.The time series diagram shows unequal means over the time period that suggests the data is stationary. Having transformed the data, ARMA (1, 1) model is applied which shows that there will be increase in sales by 6.784mgiventhatinthelastmonthsaleswere6.784m given that in the last month sales were 1bn. On the contrary, last month’s residual has an adverse effect on current month sales up to the extent of $432.942m. In this study AR (1) and MA (1) both the processes are significant at 1% Keywords: Sales forecast, ARMA (1, 1), Pharma Industr

    Principals’ Management in Improving Professional Competence of Elementary School Teachers at Jaya Baru Sub-District, Banda Aceh

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    Abstract: This research used descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection were conducted through observations, interviews, and documentation. The subjects of this research are principal, vice principal, teacher, and supervisor. The results of this research shows: (1) The program was arranged at the beginning of school year by school development team, including dividing teachers task, arranging annual and semester program, planning to organize a workshop, participating in training, cultivating teachers, creating an innovative learning media, and supervising the class. (2) The program is always implemented according to predetermined plan. The implementation process shown by the improvement of teacher and student discipline, but the principal is still less assertive in disciplining the teacher; (3) The evaluation was done at the end of semester and become the follow-up to determine the following program. The result of evaluation was presented to teacher as individual or group; and (4) The obstacle that occurred are teacher have no basic skill in ICT, not mastering the teaching materials, lack of motivation to read.Keywords: principals’ management, professional competence, elementary school teacher.Abstrak: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Subyek penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah, wakil kepala sekolah, guru, dan pengawas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Program disusun pada awal tahun ajaran oleh tim pengembangan sekolah, meliputi pembagian tugas guru, penyusunan program tahunan dan semester, perencanaan penyelenggaraan workshop, keikutsertaan pelatihan, pembinaan guru, pembuatan media pembelajaran yang inovatif, dan pengawasan kelas. (2) Program selalu dilaksanakan sesuai dengan rencana yang telah ditetapkan. Proses pelaksanaan ditunjukkan dengan peningkatan disiplin guru dan siswa, namun kepala sekolah masih kurang tegas dalam mendisiplinkan guru; (3) Evaluasi dilakukan pada akhir semester dan menjadi tindak lanjut untuk menentukan program selanjutnya. Hasil evaluasi dipresentasikan kepada guru secara individu atau kelompok; dan (4) Kendala yang terjadi adalah guru tidak memiliki keterampilan dasar TIK, tidak menguasai bahan ajar, kurangnya motivasi untuk membaca.Kata kunci: menejemen kepala sekolah, kompetensi profesional, guru sekolah dasar. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v11.i2.20212
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